How to Prepare a Sales Memorandum When Selling Your Business (2024)

You’ll have written many business documents over the years. Few will be more important than a business Sales Memorandum. Due to its significance, ExitAdviser has produced an online tool, and a document template, to make it easier for you to write your own Selling Memorandum.

Create your own Selling Memorandum with the tool, or template:

  • Sales Memorandum Tool
  • Sales Memorandum Template (download)

This guide explains the Sales Memorandum in terms of its:

  1. purpose
  2. fit within the sale process
  3. structure
  4. completion using the ExitAdviser tool

Let’s take each of these in turn.

Purpose of the Sales Memorandum

There comes a point in the selling process where you must disclose more details about your business. More than a few words in an online business listing. Even telephone conversations with a prospective buyer don’t carry the same weight as something written down in an official document. And you need to be watchful with what you write in emails, because you may live to regret any careless, loose wording.

For the buyer, the more money involved, the higher the risk, and the greater the hunger for substantiated information about the business. You on the other hand, are keen not to give your secrets away too early when there’s no commitment on the buyer’s part. If this confidential information were to leak into the wrong hands it could be very damaging to your business. Things like pricing policy, customer names and trade secrets.

Read more: How to Maintain Confidentiality When Selling a Business

The Sales Memorandum aims to strike a realistic balance between these important considerations. It’s not your Business Plan. But then it’s not a sales brochure either. It’s somewhere in between.

It’s also why a Sales Memorandum is used hand-in-hand with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). You are strongly advised not to distribute the Sales Memorandum to a prospective buyer without first receiving a signed copy of an NDA. This legally binding document forbids them to pass on any information contained in your Sales Memorandum to a third party without your prior agreement.

Related: Legal Steps to Selling a Business

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Another useful tip is to give each Sales Memorandum document a unique number, published on each page, before releasing it to a prospect. To demonstrate that you’re serious about protecting your proprietary knowledge.

Lastly, the Sales Memorandum can serve a number of other useful purposes.

It finalizes your sale proposition, the key selling points, and drives the promotional messages used in your advertising. For example, the circa 20-word business summary for your online advertising, and extracts from the summary section that may be used in your initial email responses to prospects.

It also ensures that all prospective buyers receive the same information in a consistent way. And it focuses you on a clear "story" that can also be summarized in a PowerPoint presentation for use later in the communication process. It’s a useful checklist for gathering the detail needed for Due Diligence and for updating key plans. For example, Business, Sales and Marketing, and your proposed Transition Plan for a smooth transfer of ownership. The latter will be of particular interest to the buyer.

Related: How to Communicate With Prospective Buyers

By adding pre-qualification criteria in the "Terms of Sale" section this can also act as a further screen to weed out unsuitable candidates. However, it’s preferable to use other ways to discourage these people earlier in the process, to avoid distributing too many Sale Memoranda.

Video: Stone Carlie’s St. Louis middle market M&A services group has put together an informative video about how to create a Selling Memorandum for a business for sale.

Role in the selling process

The Selling Memorandum is the first real detail the buyer receives about your business. It will be requested at some time following responses to your advertisem*nts. In all likelihood, you will first have an introductory phone call or meeting with a prospective buyer. It’s then that they will sign and return an NDA copy before they get sight of the Sales Memorandum.

Don’t under-estimate this document’s importance later on in the sale process. A serious buyer, once they have signed a Letter of Intent, will want to carefully validate the Sales Memorandum content during Due Diligence. Any major discrepancies they find could easily cause them to change their mind. Some of the content may also appear in later legal sale documentation, which you will be required to sign as a true reflection of the facts.

Again there’s a balance to be struck. Whilst it’s important not to mislead a prospective buyer (for all the above reasons), highlighting your weaknesses in the Selling Memorandum is to be avoided. All businesses have weaknesses. Let the buyer find them during the Due Diligence process.

Clearly, the Sales Memorandum also has a promotional role. However, it’s important that it stays factual rather than an overt sales tool. Let the facts speak for themselves, and persuade.

A professional, well written and presented, concise, an informative document will impress a prospect and may set your business apart from others they are considering. Use plain English and avoid industry jargon.

If they’re serious, then expect questions for clarification. Again be careful not to give too much away at this stage. In particular, exclude confidential facts and figures that they’ll undoubtedly probe you for later.

You could always suggest that they sign a Letter of Intent, to find out all they want during Due Diligence.


Successful selling requires an understanding of the buyer’s perspective. That is, the psychology of the situation from both sides of the fence.

Related: Tips to Negotiate Your Business Sale

If you were in their situation, what would you want to know? Think for a moment about the important details. The what?, who?, when?, where?, why?, which?, how much? Compare this with what you're happy to reveal at this stage, given that a preferred buyer will have the benefit later of the "forensic" Due Diligence process.

ExitAdviser follows common best practice with its Sales Memorandum Tool. The next section covers how the tool works.

It’s really important to entice a prospective buyer to read on following a good Summary section at the beginning of the Sales Memorandum. Spend time getting this Summary right, only including the important information that shows your business in its best light. As mentioned earlier, this Summary section also drives other key communications in the sale process.

For now, let’s just deal with the headings of the Selling Memorandum and some of the key information you need to include:

  1. Cover Page, standard information
  2. Summary
  3. Brief business highlights
  4. Plans to address future developments
  5. Asking price and terms
  6. Appendices

The Cover Page contains the basic name and contact details, and the unique document number that appears on all pages. You may want to keep contact details fairly general at this stage if the business sale is confidential.

The Summary section starts with a couple of punchy sentences to sum up what your business does, the main product and target customers, and the essence of why your business is an attractive proposition compared with alternatives. Following this, basic ownership details and a plausible reason why you've decided to sell the business at this time.

Business Highlights presents any further advantages over the competition, as well as the key achievements. Summarize sales and earnings growth trends over the past 3 years and year-to-date, referring to graphs in an Appendix. A few key facts about the market, and trends affecting it will also interest a buyer.

Future Developments may not be at the forefront of your thoughts now, but it helps your cause here to demonstrate that you understand the opportunities and challenges ahead in the business. And have contingency plans in place.

Asking Price and Terms includes what type of sale it is (assets only, all shares or inventory) and how you expect to receive payment of your asking price (e.g., part cash, part loan). It’s a chance to include your required buyer qualifications, and any commitments to ensure a successful business transfer.

Related: Assets Sale vs Selling Shares

Appendices, as it’s good practice to move any detail to an Appendix, to maintain clarity and thrust for the core persuasive arguments and highlights in the main body text. The reader can always check the detail if you reference the appropriate Appendix. They can also find copies here of your "Non-compete Agreement" and "Sellers Disclosure Statement".

Sales Memorandum Template

The Sales Memorandum Tool

Sales Memorandum Tool

ExitAdviser simplifies the task, making a Selling Memorandum easy to create. And you can do it bit-by-bit if you wish, saving your work as you go along. Whether you are at home, in the office, or on the move.

For each Sales Memorandum section, the tool breaks the content down for you into a series of simple questions, which are presented to you one-by-one for you to answer. You fill in short bullet point responses to ensure your answers are simple and concise.

When you've finished each section, ExitAdviser automatically collates the material in a professionally presented format. This builds to the finished Sales Memorandum document. There's also the option to output the key points to PowerPoint presentation slides.

You still need to do your homework first, to ensure that the Sales Memorandum content has maximum impact.

Because of legal implications later on in the sale process, it’s advisable to run the document past your attorney before signing it off for distribution.

How to Prepare a Sales Memorandum When Selling Your Business (2024)


How to Prepare a Sales Memorandum When Selling Your Business? ›

A sellers memorandum includes all those points one would normally expect to see in any business plan, to wit: an executive summary, a business description, financial requirements, target market niche, identification of top management, an operations review, analysis of strengths and weaknesses, and current financial ...

What is an offering memorandum for sale of business? ›

An offering memorandum is a legal document that states the objectives, risks, and terms of an investment involved with a private placement. This document includes items such as a company's financial statements, management biographies, a detailed description of the business operations, and more.

What is seller memorandum? ›

A memorandum of sale is a legal document that records the details of a sale of a property. It is used to record that the sale of a property has been agreed between buyer and seller subject to contract. It will contain as much relevant information as possible, including: The address of the property. The agreed sale ...

What steps should a business owner go through to prepare the business to be sold? ›

10 Steps to Preparing Your Business for Sale
  1. Determine your goals for the sale. ...
  2. Ensure you're emotionally prepared for the sale. ...
  3. Consider your customers. ...
  4. Build a support team. ...
  5. Offer incentives to your employees. ...
  6. Get a business valuation. ...
  7. Organize your books and paperwork. ...
  8. Understand your business's profitability.
Apr 11, 2023

How do you document a business sale? ›

An Overview of the Essential Documents Involved in the Sale of a Business
  1. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
  2. Financial Statements and Tax Returns.
  3. Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)
  4. Letter of Intent (LOI)
  5. Purchase Agreement.
  6. Due Diligence Documents.
  7. Closing Documents.
Sep 21, 2023

What is the outline of a selling memorandum? ›

A sellers memorandum includes all those points one would normally expect to see in any business plan, to wit: an executive summary, a business description, financial requirements, target market niche, identification of top management, an operations review, analysis of strengths and weaknesses, and current financial ...

How to make an offering memorandum? ›

How to Create an Offering Memorandum that Wins Over Investors
  1. Hire a professional to design it.
  2. Invest in photography.
  3. Be clear and concise.
  4. Accentuate area amenities.
  5. Optimize PDF file size.
  6. Include a clear call-to-action.

What is a memorandum of understanding for selling? ›

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) in a sale and purchase situation. This represents the good faith intentions of the parties but also include deposit from the Buyer. This document is drafted in favour of the Seller.

What is the memorandum of agreement between buyer and seller? ›

A memorandum of purchase and sale agreement is a legal document that protects a buyer from being outbid after the seller accepts their offer. This agreement is signed by the seller and buyer at the time an offer is accepted, and effectively makes it illegal for a buyer to accept any other offers on the property.

What is the abbreviation for memorandum of sale? ›

A Memorandum of Sale, often abbreviated as MoS, is an essential document in the process of buying or selling property in the UK.

How to sell a small business quickly? ›

The Process of Selling a Business — The Seven Steps
  1. Prepare a confidential information memorandum (CIM). ...
  2. Confidentially market your business. ...
  3. Screen buyers and email them your CIM. ...
  4. Share information and meet with qualified buyers. ...
  5. Negotiate and accept an offer. ...
  6. Manage the due diligence process. ...
  7. Handle the closing.

How to structure the sale of a small business? ›

Transaction Structure

In an asset sale, the seller retains the existing legal entity and sells both the tangible and intangible assets of the business. The buyer obtains these assets through a newly established entity. In a minority of transactions, small businesses undergo a stock or equity sale.

How do I sell off a business? ›

How to Sell a Small Business in 7 Steps
  1. Determine the value of your company. ...
  2. Clean up your small business financials. ...
  3. Prepare your exit strategy in advance. ...
  4. Boost your sales. ...
  5. Find a business broker. ...
  6. Pre-qualify your buyers. ...
  7. Get business contracts in order.
Jan 3, 2014

What documents do I need to sell my business? ›

A purchase agreement is the primary legal document used for the acquisition of a business. The purchase agreement outlines all of the details of the sale and mirrors the LOI. Depending on how you structure this transaction you might also need: a bill of sale.

How to write a contract for the sale of a business? ›

How To Write a Business Purchase Agreement
  1. Identify the Parties. ...
  2. Describe the Business. ...
  3. Outline the Financial Terms. ...
  4. Elaborate the Terms of Sale. ...
  5. Describe the Covenants. ...
  6. Clarify the Transfer Process. ...
  7. Provide Closing Details.
Feb 28, 2024

How do I write a letter to sell my business? ›

6 tips for writing the perfect sales letter
  1. Write a catchy hook. Engage people right from the start with a catchy headline (if applicable) and a hook in the introduction. ...
  2. Integrate case studies. ...
  3. Use statistics. ...
  4. Make it time-sensitive. ...
  5. Speak to the audience's desires and pain points. ...
  6. Make it easy to read.

Is an offering memorandum legally binding? ›

Importance of Issuing an Offering Memorandum

The document is legally binding, and its importance goes beyond being a necessary document in the process of investment for both sellers and investors.

How long does it take to create an offering memorandum? ›

It depends on the size and complexity of the property. However, on average, it takes about 30 minutes to create an offering memorandum with CREbuilder.

What does "om" in real estate mean? ›

An offering memorandum (OM) in commercial real estate is a document given to investors that includes all of the important information about a property investment. The purpose of the offering memorandum is to provide investors with all the information needed to make a decision about an investment.

What is the box in an offering memorandum? ›

Box Summary of the Offering Memorandum

The beginning summary section contains information marked with a box border. This section covers basic information about the securities offering and its value proposition. The summary section typically only spans 6-8 pages.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.