How To Reset Pentair Screenlogic | The Pool Care (2024)

To reset pentair screenlogic, access the main screen, select “settings,” choose “reset,” and confirm the reset. Integrating pentair screenlogic into your pool system allows for convenient control and monitoring of various pool functions through a user-friendly interface.

However, there may be instances when you need to reset the system to resolve any issues or start fresh. To reset pentair screenlogic, follow a quick and simple process. We will guide you through the steps to reset pentair screenlogic.

By following these instructions, you will be able to reset the system and regain control over your pool functions. So, let’s dive in and find out how to reset pentair screenlogic.

Table of Contents

What Is Pentair Screenlogic?

Pentair screenlogic is a system that allows users to control and monitor their pool or spa through a mobile device or computer. If you need to reset pentair screenlogic, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to restore it to its default settings.

Pentair screenlogic is a revolutionary system designed to enhance the management of your pool and spa. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, it simplifies the control and monitoring process, allowing you to enjoy your pool experience to the fullest.

In this section, we will provide an overview of the screenlogic system and discuss how it can elevate your pool and spa management with its innovative capabilities. So let’s dive right in!

Overview Of The Screenlogic System:

  • Effortless control: Pentair screenlogic puts the power of pool and spa management at your fingertips. With just a few taps on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, you can conveniently control various aspects of your pool, such as water temperature, lighting, jets, and more.
  • Real-time monitoring: Stay informed about the condition of your pool and spa with the real-time monitoring feature of screenlogic. You can check the water temperature, ph levels, chlorine levels, and other vital parameters anytime, anywhere. This ensures that your pool remains in optimal condition for a refreshing and safe swim.
  • Customizable schedules: Take the hassle out of pool maintenance with the customizable scheduling feature of screenlogic. You can set automated schedules for tasks like filtration, cleaning, and heating, ensuring that your pool is always ready for use when you want it. Plus, you can easily adjust these schedules to accommodate changes in your routine.
  • Energy efficiency: Pentair screenlogic promotes energy efficiency by allowing you to fine-tune the settings of your pool system. For instance, you can optimize filtration cycles to minimize energy consumption while maintaining water cleanliness. This not only helps reduce your utility bills but also contributes to a greener environment.
  • Seamless integration: Screenlogic seamlessly integrates with pentair automation systems, including intellitouch and easytouch, providing a comprehensive solution for pool and spa management. This means you can control all the features and functions of these systems through the intuitive screenlogic interface, ensuring a smooth and unified experience.
  • Expandability: The screenlogic system is expandable, allowing you to add additional equipment and accessories to enhance your pool and spa experience. Whether you want to incorporate features like waterfalls, fountains, or even a sound system, screenlogic provides the flexibility to expand and customize your setup according to your preferences.
  • Enhanced safety: Screenlogic prioritizes your safety by offering advanced security features. You can set up user accounts with different access levels, ensuring that only authorized individuals can control and monitor your pool system. Additionally, you can receive notifications and alerts for critical events, such as low water levels or equipment malfunctions, enabling proactive maintenance and preventing potential issues.

Pentair screenlogic is truly a game-changer when it comes to pool and spa management. Its intuitive interface, real-time monitoring, customizable schedules, energy efficiency, seamless integration, expandability, and enhanced safety features make it an indispensable tool for pool owners. With screenlogic, you can relax and enjoy your pool without worrying about complicated controls or maintenance tasks.

It’s time to take your pool experience to the next level with pentair screenlogic!

Unable To Connect To Screenlogic Interface

Having trouble connecting to the pentair screenlogic interface? Learn how to reset it and get your system up and running again. It’s a simple process that will help troubleshoot any connection issues you may be experiencing.

Steps To Reset The Screenlogic System:

If you’re facing issues connecting to the pentair screenlogic interface, don’t worry. There are some simple steps you can take to reset the system and get back on track. Follow the steps below to troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

Checking Network Connectivity:

To ensure that the connection issue is not related to your network, follow these steps:

  • Verify that your device is connected to the same wi-fi network as the screenlogic interface.
  • Check if other devices on the same network can connect to the internet.
  • Restart your router and modem to refresh the network connection.
  • Ensure that the screenlogic interface is properly connected to the network.

Performing A System Reset:

If the network connectivity is not the root cause, try resetting the screenlogic system using the following steps:

  • Locate the screenlogic interface panel and turn it off.
  • Locate the power supply for the screenlogic interface and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  • Wait for at least 30 seconds before plugging the power supply back in.
  • Turn on the screenlogic interface panel and wait for it to fully initialize.
  • Attempt to connect to the screenlogic interface again.

Verifying Configuration Settings:

If the reset did not resolve the issue, it’s essential to verify the configuration settings of the screenlogic system. Follow these steps:

  • Open the screenlogic app on your device.
  • Go to the settings menu and check that the network settings are configured correctly.
  • Ensure that the ip address and port settings match the network configuration.
  • If necessary, manually enter the ip address of the screenlogic interface.
  • Save the changes and try connecting to the screenlogic interface again.

Contacting Support:

If you’ve followed all the steps above and are still unable to connect to the screenlogic interface, it may be necessary to contact pentair support for further assistance. Provide them with the details of the issue and the troubleshooting steps you’ve taken so far.

Remember, resetting the screenlogic system and checking network connectivity are often the first steps in resolving connection issues. By following these steps, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and reset the system effectively.

Screenlogic App Not Responding

Resetting a pentair screenlogic system can help resolve the issue of the screenlogic app not responding. Follow these simple steps to reset your system and regain control of your pool and spa functions.

Troubleshooting Tips For Unresponsive App:

If you’re facing issues with your pentair screenlogic app not responding, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with some troubleshooting tips to get it up and running again. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Sometimes, a weak or unstable connection can cause the app to become unresponsive. Restart your modem or router if needed.
  • Update the app: Make sure you have the latest version of the pentair screenlogic app installed on your device. Developers often release updates with bug fixes and improvements that can resolve app responsiveness issues.
  • Clear app cache: Over time, an app’s cache can accumulate temporary data that may affect its performance. Go to the settings of your device, find the app settings, and clear the cache for the pentair screenlogic app.
  • Restart your device: Sometimes, a simple device restart can resolve app-related issues. Turn off your device, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on again.
  • Reinstall the app: If the previous steps don’t work, try uninstalling and reinstalling the pentair screenlogic app. This can help resolve any underlying software issues that may be causing the unresponsiveness.

Possible Causes And Solutions:

There can be several reasons why your pentair screenlogic app is not responding. Let’s explore some common causes and their respective solutions:

  • Outdated firmware: Ensure that you have the latest firmware installed on your pentair equipment. An outdated firmware version can cause compatibility issues with the app. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for updating the firmware.
  • Network configuration: Check your network settings to ensure that they are properly configured. Incorrect network settings can prevent the app from connecting to your pentair system. Consult the app’s user manual or reach out to customer support for assistance.
  • Device compatibility: Verify that your device is compatible with the pentair screenlogic app. Some older devices may not be supported, or certain features may be limited. Consider using a newer device if compatibility is an issue.
  • Firewall settings: If you have a firewall or security software installed on your device, it may be blocking the app’s access to the network. Temporarily disable the firewall or adjust its settings to allow the app’s communication.
  • Technical issues: In some cases, technical issues or server problems may be causing the app to become unresponsive. Check for any known app outages or server maintenance announcements from pentair. Patience may be required in such situations.

By following these troubleshooting tips and considering the possible causes, you should be able to resolve any issues with your pentair screenlogic app not responding. Enjoy hassle-free control of your pentair pool or spa system once again!

Error Messages On The Screenlogic Interface

To reset the pentair screenlogic interface, follow these steps to address any error messages displayed on the screen. By carefully navigating the settings and troubleshooting, you can resolve issues and restore functionality to the interface. Keep in mind that troubleshooting steps may vary depending on the specific error message encountered.

Deciphering Error Codes

When using the pentair screenlogic interface, encountering error messages can be quite frustrating. However, understanding what these error codes mean is the first step towards resolving any issues. Here are some common error codes you might come across:

  • Error code 120: This error code indicates a communication problem between your computer or mobile device and the screenlogic interface. Double-check your network connection and ensure that you are within range of the interface.
  • Error code 122: If you encounter this error code, it suggests an issue with the screenlogic protocol. Try restarting your computer or mobile device and see if the problem persists. If it does, consider reinstalling the screenlogic software.
  • Error code 125: This error code signifies a failure to establish a connection with the screenlogic interface. Make sure that the interface is powered on and properly connected to your network. Restarting the interface and checking the network settings on your device can also help resolve this issue.
  • Error code 130: When you come across this error code, it indicates a problem with the screenlogic protocol version. Update both the screenlogic software and firmware to the latest versions to address this issue.
  • Error code 145: This error code suggests an authentication failure when connecting to the screenlogic interface. Ensure that you are using the correct login credentials and try establishing the connection again. If the problem persists, consider resetting the password.

Remember, these are just a few examples of the error codes you might encounter while using the pentair screenlogic interface. It’s essential to refer to the user manual or consult with technical support for more specific troubleshooting steps.

Resolving Common Error Messages

Here are some common error messages you might encounter on the pentair screenlogic interface and how to resolve them:

  • “no controller found”: This message appears when the screenlogic interface is unable to detect the connected controller. Check the physical connections between the interface and the controller. Ensure that the controller is powered on and connected properly.
  • “invalid system address”: If you see this message, it means that the screenlogic interface is trying to communicate with an incorrect system address. Verify that the correct system address is entered in the interface settings.
  • “device communication error”: This error message suggests a problem with the communication between the screenlogic interface and the connected devices. Check the physical connections, power cycle the devices if necessary, and ensure that they are properly configured within the screenlogic software.
  • “invalid login credentials”: When encountering this message, it means that the login credentials you entered are incorrect. Double-check the username and password and try again. If you can’t remember the correct login information, you may need to reset the password.
  • “unable to establish connection”: If you see this message, it indicates a failure to establish a connection between the screenlogic interface and your computer or mobile device. Check your network settings, ensure that you are connected to the same network, and verify that the interface is powered on.

Remember, troubleshooting error messages can vary depending on the specific circ*mstances and system setup. If you encounter persistent error messages or have difficulty resolving them, it’s advisable to seek assistance from pentair’s technical support or consult a professional.

Backing Up Configuration Settings

To reset the pentair screenlogic, it is essential to back up the configuration settings beforehand. This ensures that the system can be easily restored to its previous state in case of any issues.

Importance Of Backing Up System Settings:

  • Backing up your pentair screenlogic configuration settings is essential to ensure that you don’t lose important data in case of any system issues or changes.
  • It acts as a safety net, allowing you to easily restore your settings in the event of accidental deletions or system failures.
  • With a backup, you can avoid the hassle of reconfiguring your entire system from scratch, saving you time and effort.

Steps To Perform A Backup:

  • Access the pentair screenlogic software on your device.
  • Click on the “configuration” tab located at the top of the screen.
  • Select the “backup” option from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose a suitable location on your computer to save the backup file. Remember to name it appropriately to easily identify it later.
  • Click on the “backup” button to initiate the backup process.
  • Wait for the backup to complete. The duration may vary depending on the size of your configuration settings.
  • Once the backup is finished, a notification will confirm its success. Make sure to keep note of the location where the backup file is saved.

Remember, regularly creating backups of your pentair screenlogic system settings is a good practice to ensure the safety of your data. By following these simple steps, you can have peace of mind knowing that your settings are securely stored and can be easily restored whenever needed.

Factory Resetting The Screenlogic System

To reset the pentair screenlogic system, follow these simple steps to perform a factory reset. This process will restore the system to its default settings and resolve any issues you may be experiencing.

How To Reset The Screenlogic System To Factory Settings

Resetting your pentair screenlogic system to its factory settings can be useful in troubleshooting and restoring default configurations. Whether you’re experiencing technical issues or simply want to start fresh, this guide will walk you through the process step by step.

Factory Resetting The Screenlogic System:

To factory reset your pentair screenlogic system, you can follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Turn off the power to the screenlogic system by switching off the circuit breaker that supplies it.
  • Step 2: Locate the screenlogic protocol adapter, which is the device connected to your pool or spa equipment. It should be plugged into a power outlet nearby.
  • Step 3: On the protocol adapter, find the small reset button. You may need to use a paperclip or similar object to press it.
  • Step 4: Press and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds until the indicator lights on the protocol adapter start flashing.
  • Step 5: Once the indicator lights stop flashing and remain solid, release the reset button.
  • Step 6: The screenlogic system is now reset to its factory defaults. You can proceed with reinstalling and configuring it according to your preferences.

By following these steps, you can easily reset your pentair screenlogic system and reinstate its factory settings. Remember to consult the device’s user manual for more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips.

With this guide, you have the necessary knowledge to conduct a factory reset of your pentair screenlogic system. Troubleshoot technical issues and revert back to the default setup effortlessly. Enjoy seamless pool or spa control once again.

Reconnecting Devices To The Screenlogic Interface

To reset your pentair screenlogic, follow these simple steps to reconnect your devices to the screenlogic interface seamlessly.

Pairing Wireless Devices After Reset

When resetting your pentair screenlogic, you may need to reconnect your wireless devices to the screenlogic interface. Follow the steps below to pair your wireless devices successfully:

  • Step 1: Turn on the wireless device you want to pair with the screenlogic interface.
  • Step 2: Navigate to the “setup” menu on your screenlogic interface and select “wireless device setup.”
  • Step 3: Locate the wireless device you want to pair on the list and select it.
  • Step 4: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the pairing process.
  • Step 5: Repeat the steps above for each wireless device you want to pair with the screenlogic interface.

These simple steps will ensure that your wireless devices are successfully paired with the screenlogic interface after a reset.

Reconfiguring Schedules And Settings

After resetting your pentair screenlogic, you will need to reconfigure your schedules and settings. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Step 1: Access the screenlogic interface and navigate to the “setup” menu.
  • Step 2: Select “schedules and settings” to enter the configuration menu.
  • Step 3: Review your previous schedules and settings to determine what needs to be changed or updated.
  • Step 4: Make the necessary adjustments to your schedules and settings using the intuitive interface.
  • Step 5: Double-check your changes to ensure everything is set up correctly.
  • Step 6: Save your new schedules and settings to apply them.

By following these steps, you can easily reconfigure your schedules and settings on the pentair screenlogic interface after a reset, ensuring optimum performance and control over your pool or spa.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Reset Pentair Screenlogic

How Do I Reset My Pentair Screenlogic Password?

To reset your pentair screenlogic password, follow these steps:1. Open the screenlogic app on your device. 2. On the login screen, tap on “forgot password? ” 3. Enter your screenlogic username and email address. 4. Check your email inbox for a password reset link.

5. Click on the link to open the password reset page. 6. Enter a new password in the provided fields. 7. Confirm the new password and click on “reset password” to save the changes. 8. Now, you can log in to the screenlogic app using your new password.

It’s important to regularly update and safeguard your password to protect your pentair screenlogic account. Remember to choose a strong password that includes a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.

How Do I Connect My Pentair Screenlogic To Wifi?

To connect your pentair screenlogic to wifi, follow these steps:1. Make sure your screenlogic interface is connected to a power source and turned on. 2. On your device, go to the wi-fi settings and select the network name displayed on the screenlogic interface.

3. Enter the password for the network when prompted. 4. Once connected, open the screenlogic app on your device. 5. Tap on the “settings” tab and select “screenlogic connection”. 6. Tap on “connect” and wait for the app to establish a connection with the screenlogic interface.

7. Once connected, you can control and monitor your pentair pool equipment from your device. Remember to update your app and firmware regularly to ensure a smooth connection. Enjoy the convenience of accessing your pool features wirelessly with pentair screenlogic!

How Do I Set Up My Pentair Screenlogic?

To set up your pentair screenlogic, follow these steps:1. Connect your screenlogic interface to your pool or spa control system. 2. Download the screenlogic app from the app store and install it on your smartphone or tablet. 3. Connect your mobile device to the same wi-fi network as your screenlogic interface.

4. Open the screenlogic app and follow the on-screen instructions to set up a connection with your screenlogic interface. 5. Once connected, you can control and monitor your pool or spa settings through the app. Setting up your pentair screenlogic is quick and easy.

Just make sure to connect the interface, download the app, and follow the step-by-step instructions to get started.

What Is Pentair Screenlogic?

Pentair screenlogic is a user-friendly software that allows you to control your pool and spa through your smartphone, tablet, or computer. It offers a convenient way to manage your pool’s settings, such as temperature, lights, and water features, remotely and in real-time.

By connecting your pool and spa equipment to the screenlogic system, you can monitor and adjust various parameters, ensuring your pool is always maintained at its best. With its intuitive interface, you can easily schedule cleaning cycles, set heating schedules, and even receive notifications when maintenance is needed.

Pentair screenlogic provides a seamless and hassle-free way to manage your pool, giving you peace of mind and control at your fingertips.


Overall, resetting your pentair screenlogic is a crucial process that can resolve various issues and ensure the smooth functioning of your pool automation system. By following the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily reset your pentair screenlogic and get back to enjoying your pool hassle-free.

Remember to start by turning off the power, disconnecting the network cable, and restarting the system. Next, make sure to navigate to the “utilities” menu and select the “reset communication” option. Finally, reestablish the network connection and test the system to ensure everything is working correctly.

By taking the time to properly reset your pentair screenlogic, you can save time, money, and avoid unnecessary frustrations. So go ahead, give it a try, and get back to making the most of your pool experience!

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How To Reset Pentair Screenlogic | The Pool Care (1)

Sayed Sayeedur Rahman

Sayed Sayeedur Rahmanis aprofessional digital marketer, SEO expert, and content writer. He’s a certified professional with extensive professional experience working with USA and UK-based companies to grow their businesses. He’s the co-founder of TechLookBDand the founder ofDigitize Online digital marketing agencies.

How To Reset Pentair Screenlogic | The Pool Care (2024)


How To Reset Pentair Screenlogic | The Pool Care? ›

To reset the Protocol adapter, use a paperclip to press the reset button THREE times in succession (with maybe a quarter-second pause between each press). As you press it the third time, the PA should slightly vibrate in your hand (like a muted phone does), and then it is reset. Then, turn on the screen logic.

How to change wifi on Pentair ScreenLogic? ›

Update Wi-Fi Settings on ScreenLogic Interface: Access the ScreenLogic interface on your pool controller, usually through a dedicated control panel or app. Locate the network settings or Wi-Fi configuration section and update the SSID (Wi-Fi network name) and password ***** match your new router's network.

How to find pentair ScreenLogic username? ›

Q: How do I find my Pentair ScreenLogic username and password? A: Your Pentair Screenlogic username and password can be found in the user installation manual. It should be located in the back of the manual or on the information card that was included with the system.

How do you reset Pentair Screenlogic? ›

To reset the Protocol adapter, use a paperclip to press the reset button THREE times in succession (with maybe a quarter-second pause between each press). As you press it the third time, the PA should slightly vibrate in your hand (like a muted phone does), and then it is reset. Then, turn on the screen logic.

How do I reset my Pentair Intelliconnect? ›

Power down the IntelliConnect for ten (10) seconds to reset access point mode and proceed to Step 14 for recommendations on improving the signal/connection strength.

Can I control my Pentair pool pump with my phone? ›

The IntelliConnect® Pool Control and Monitoring System works with the Pentair Home app to provide full control of your pool equipment via your smartphone. Simply connect IntelliConnect to your home WiFi network, download the app, add your equipment and start scheduling your desired routines.

Why is my Pentair app offline? ›

If your system is “Offline,” it means that your system has been disconnected from Wifi for over 60 minutes. This will not cause an interruption in your softened water cycle or the function of your system, but it could interrupt data flow to the Pentair Home and Pentair Pro Apps.

How do I reset my app pool password? ›

Configure Remote Password Reset for IIS AppPool Account.

Navigate to Resources tab. Click the Resource Actions icon against the WindowsDomain DC1 resource and select Configure password reset from the drop down. In the pop-up form that appears, select the 'Domain Admin' (DC1) account as the Administrator Account.

How to set ScreenLogic password? ›

A: To reset your Pentair ScreenLogic password, open the program on your computer, select the “Settings” tab and then choose “Password” from the options. Enter your new password and click “o*k” to save the change.

What is Pentair ScreenLogic interface? ›

ScreenLogic2's unique capabilities enable users to easily monitor and control multiple pool or spa functions using one interface. Manage water temperature, lighting, fountains, waterfalls and other pool features whenever and wherever you choose.

How do I change my wireless network mode? ›

How to Change Your Router's Wireless Mode
  1. Log in to your router's settings.
  2. Search through your router for phrases such as "mode," "wireless mode," or "802.11 mode." ...
  3. After locating the wireless mode, most routers provide a drop-down menu with different wireless mode options.

How do I change the Internet connection on my switch? ›

Press the HOME Button to display the HOME Menu, then select "System Settings". Select "Internet" → "Internet Settings". Under "Networks Found", select the SSID of the wireless router you're using. *If you can't see the SSID listed, press the Y Button to scan for your wireless router again.

How do I change my wireless network properties? ›

  1. How to Change Your Wireless Router Settings. ...
  2. Connect to your network wirelessly, or via ethernet. ...
  3. Find your router configuration page. ...
  4. Log in with the username and password. ...
  5. Find the Wireless Settings page. ...
  6. Set the new channel, usually with a dropdown menu. ...
  7. Your router will now reboot. ...
  8. Troubleshooting.

How do I change my WiFi from control panel? ›

Go to the Start Menu and select Control Panel. Click the Network and Internet category and then select Networking and Sharing Center. From the options on the left-hand side, select Change adapter settings. Right-click on the icon for Wireless Connection and click enable.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.