The Pregnancy Alphabets - A to Z Pregnancy Terms | Cloudnine Blog (2024)

There’s a reason a baby belly is so big. It’s full of secrets and stories that supply an expecting momma with nine months’ worth of experiences – with each experience neatly wrapped in one of the 26 letters of the alphabet.

It’s called the pregnancy alphabet – a unique glossary of words capturing little moments of your pregnancy. Happily, these words mesh together like a warm quilt, to carry you through the course of your pregnancy. And, they’re alphabetical. Let’s get you acquainted.

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A for Anaemia

Your baby needs a large amount of iron as it grows, which means that your own iron levels will silently deplete. That’s when the tiredness, breathlessness, lethargy, and irritability will kick in.

B for Backache

Your back becomes an axis that supports two humans during the later months of your pregnancy – something that can be tough on any expecting mommy. The ligaments in the lower back and pelvis work harder, primarily due to a change in posture, as the belly grows to accommodate its new resident.

C for Cramps

Ugh. Cramps can be recurrent, and rather unwelcome, visitors during pregnancy. And curiously, they tend to make their presence felt late at night, just when you want to call it a day. Pregnancy cramps are common around the calf muscle.

D for Diet

Pregnant mommas and good food go hand in hand. Which is why you should talk to a nutritionist to set out a meal plan for yourself during your pregnancy. Your baby needs a healthy mix of foods from each food group, Also, who wouldn’t say yes to nine months of planned deliciousness? We certainly would.

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E for Expected Date of Delivery

Know when your baby will be ready to meet you, by calculating your Expected Date of Delivery. There’s a simple formula for this: Add 1 year from today, minus 3 months from that, and add 7 days from the first day of your last period. There you have it.

F for Feet

Hello, Hulk feet. It’s natural for your feet to grow half an inch when you’re pregnant, courtesy hot fluid retention. Pick a pair of flat shoes, and set the stilettos aside for a while. Your Hulk feet will disappear once your baby is born. Thank your husband for the foot rubs while they last.

G for Gums

Gum infection and tooth decay are increasingly likely during pregnancy... Also, visit your dentist to chalk out an oral care plan for your pearly whites. Because they deserve to stay pearly. And white. Because how else will you smile for the cameras the day you deliver?

H for Haemorrhoids

Yup, the pregnancy alphabet ain’t all sunshine and roses. Because most often, pregnancy isn’t either. Haemorrhoids, or piles, as they are known in common parlance, can really strain your relationship with the toilet. Haemorrhoids are normally a result of constipation, an imbalance in progesterone, or the weight of the baby’s head on the pelvis in the final stages of pregnancy.

I for Incontinence

Have you ever laughed so hard that you’ve wet your underwear? If you have, you’ve already had your introductory lesson in incontinence. Pregnancy can make bladder control a tad more difficult, what with the baby pressing against it in the second and third trimesters.

J for Joints

Hormones during pregnancy can soften the ligaments that support the joints of the pelvis. Rest your body as often as it needs to.

K for Kicks

Your baby’s little kicks are an exciting reminder that there is a little person housed inside you. Your baby’s activity may range from quiet, restful times too busy, spirited football sessions.

L for Libido

Your sex drive may veer to either extreme when you’re pregnant. Libido is governed by hormones. And hormones, as you know, take on a life of their own when there’s a baby on board.

M for Morning Sickness

Say thanks to your hormones. Morning sickness can be a pain, not only in the morning. It can strike at any time during the day, and usually occurs about six weeks into pregnancy. Start your day with a cup of tea and some dry biscuits to ward it off.

N for Nose Bleeds

Blood flow to the nose increases when you’re pregnant, so if you find your nose bleeding after you blow it, you now know why. The bleeding should stop after a few minutes, and an ice pack will help relieve the pain.

O for Oedema

Otherwise known as swollen ankles. The body retains up to six litres of additional fluid during pregnancy. The revised pattern of blood circulation can swell your ankles and lower legs. As long as the swelling is confined to your lower legs and occurs only during the evening or at night, you have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, seek out a doctor – you may have symptoms of hypertension.

P for Palpitations

Rapid heartbeats – the kind you get when you watch a horror movie. And the kind you get when you’re pregnant. Your heartbeat increases by about 15 beats per minute, by the time your baby is due. That’s a lot of heart.

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Q for Quickening

Quickening refers to the first noticeable movement of your baby. You’ll feel it at about 18 weeks into your pregnancy, and possibly earlier in your subsequent pregnancies. You won’t feel much at first – just a gentle whirling in your belly.

R for Rest

You’re allowed bonus sleep when you’re pregnant. Your body needs it. Make sure you get about 8 hours of sleep at night and about 2 additional hours during the day. If you work and don’t have the option of resting, take breaks during the day to elevate your feet.

The Pregnancy Alphabets - A to Z Pregnancy Terms | Cloudnine Blog (2)

S for Skin

Pregnancy can act as a great moisturiser for some women. You may notice your skin becoming clearer and more radiant. For other women, acne, pimples and dry skin may accompany pregnancy – in which case, moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!

T for Taste

Your taste buds may go on a trip while you’re pregnant. Foods you used to enjoy may suddenly become repulsive, and you may acquire a taste for some others you never used to have a preference for. Your palate will surprise you during your first trimester. Be prepared. With a plate and a fork.

U for Uterine Contractions

At about 30 weeks, you may start experiencing uterine contractions, your uterus’s way of warming up for the grand finale. Unlike true labour contractions, these are painless and irregular and last about 30 seconds.

V for Veins

Varicose veins – the bluish network of intricate veins in the leg – are caused by long periods standing or significant weight gain. You may also notice a superficial web of red and blue veins that appear during pregnancy. Use support stockings and sit with your feet up, to stimulate blood flow.

W for Weight

You’ve been waiting for this one, haven’t you? The amount of weight that you gain has a direct bearing on the progress of your pregnancy. Standards for weight gain during pregnancy range between 9 and 12.5 kilos – of this, about 4.4 kilos are the foetus, placenta and amniotic fluid, 1.1 kilos go to the uterusand breasts, 1 kilo goes in additional blood circulation, 2 kilos go to fat deposits, and 4 kilos amounts to fluid retention.

X for Exhale

Learn to relax during your pregnancy to shake off any stress you may have from office or home. Try activities like swimming, aromatherapy and yoga, to draw positive energy into your body. Try to meditate for about 20 minutes per day; inhale and relax your shoulders. It’ll soothe your nerves and calm your mind. When you exhale, you’ll find that some of the stress that you had shouldered is gone.

Y for You

It’s all about you, these nine months. You’ll be the centre of attention. Enjoy it, pamper yourself and make time for self-indulgence. When your baby arrives, she’ll need all your time. These nine months are yours.

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Z for Zodiac

The zodiac, they say, can govern the personality of a person. It’s exciting to think about which zodiac your child will be born in. Little people have the biggest personalities, you know.

Z also stands for ‘Ze End’. We’ve reached the end of the pregnancy alphabet. You’ll discover the words each letter stands for, as you go along these nine months. With each passing day, new experiences will find a home in your belly, causing it to become a little bigger than it was yesterday. And you thought it was just the baby.

Do you want to know the "Estimated date of when your baby is due?" Check out Cloudnine's Pregnancy Due Date Calculator now!

Must Read: Handling First 3 Months Period Of Pregnancy

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The Pregnancy Alphabets - A to Z Pregnancy Terms | Cloudnine Blog (2024)


What are the C words that have to do with pregnancy? ›

  • Cephalopelvic disproportion: a complication of childbirth when the head of the baby is too large for the pelvis.
  • Cervix: the lower, narrow part of the uterus (womb). ...
  • Cesarean section (C-section): procedure where the baby is delivered through an abdominal incision.
  • Chlamydia: a common sexually transmitted disease (STD).

What is the Q word for pregnancy? ›

Q. Quickening: When the mother first feels the baby moving.

What is the G word for pregnancy? ›

In biology and medicine, gravidity and parity are the number of times a female has been pregnant (gravidity) and carried the pregnancies to a viable gestational age (parity). These two terms are usually coupled, sometimes with additional terms, to indicate more details of the female's obstetric history.

What is the K word for pregnancy? ›

K for Kicks

Your baby's little kicks are an exciting reminder that there is a little person housed inside you.

What is a pregnancy word that starts with F? ›

Forceps: Tong-shaped instruments that are inserted into the vagin* and placed around the baby's head to ease it out of the birth canal during childbirth. Frank breech: When the fetus is positioned buttocks down and his legs are stretched up with feet near the head at term.

What is a pregnancy that starts with an E? ›

Ectopic pregnancy – when a fertilised egg implants and grows outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. In most cases, an ectopic pregnancy is not viable. Embryo – the name given to a fertilised egg from the time of conception until the eighth week.

What is the G in pregnancy terms? ›

The G in GTPAL stands for gravida. This is the number of times an individual has conceived, including any current pregnancy. More specifically, it includes the total number of pregnancies, not deliveries, no matter the gestational age or outcome of the pregnancy.

What is 10 pregnancy? ›

Highlights at 10 Weeks Pregnant

Your little one is starting to look more and more like a baby, with a rounder head and lots of little developments, like eyes, fingers, toes, and tooth buds. With internal organs in place, your little one is just about 1 inch long.

What is the 4th pregnancy term? ›

The fourth trimester—the 12 weeks after giving birth—is just as important for a mother's health as the first three trimesters. Yet this is often when mothers have the least interaction with their health care team, a time when, some experts argue, mothers need it the most.

What is p in pregnancy? ›

Parity is the number of pregnancies a female has carried past 20 weeks. Parity (P) can be calculated by determining how many delivery events a female has had past 20 weeks. For example, P1 means that the female has delivered once regardless if this event was a single child, twins, or other multiples.

What is GS in pregnancy terms? ›

The gestational sac is a fluid-filled structure surrounding an embryo during the first few weeks of embryonic development. It is the first structure seen in pregnancy by ultrasound as early as 4.5 to 5 weeks of gestational age and is 97.6% specific for the diagnosis of intrauterine pregnancy (IUP).[1]

What do you call a pregnancy with 5 babies? ›

Some names for these are: Twins for 2 babies. Triplets for 3 babies. Quadruplets for 4 babies. Quintuplets for 5 babies.

What does FT mean in pregnancy? ›

Common fertility abbreviations and acronyms
AcronymWhat it means
FRERFirst Response Early Result (a specific brand of pregnancy test)
hCGHuman chorionic gonadotrophin (the hormone that pregnancy tests measure)
HPTHome pregnancy test
81 more rows

What is FM in pregnancy? ›

Recording of fetal movement (FM) has therefore been suggested as a method of assessing fetal well-being. To establish the normal range of FMs in the third trimester of pregnancy, FMs were studied cross-sectionally in 180 and longitudinally in 6 healthy women with normal pregnancies.

What does PT mean in pregnancy? ›

A pregnancy test is a way to determine if you're pregnant. If your pregnancy test is positive, it means you're pregnant. If the test is negative, it means you aren't pregnant. Pregnancy tests work by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone your body makes when you're pregnant.

What does C mean in pregnancy? ›

C stands for control line region, and T stands for test line region. C line is a clear line that validates the test. If it is absent or unclear, the test is faulty, and you need to retake a test. However, if you see both C and T lines, that means you are pregnant.

What is a C in pregnancy? ›

Cesarean section, C-section, or cesarean birth is the surgical delivery of a baby through a cut (incision) made in the birth parent's abdomen and uterus. Healthcare providers use it when they believe it's safer for the birth parent, the baby, or both. The incision made in the skin may be: Up-and-down (vertical).

What is pregnancy type C? ›

Category C

Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.

What are the words related to pregnancy? ›

Glossary - Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • Alpha-fetoprotein - a protein produced by the fetus that is excreted into the amniotic fluid. ...
  • Amniocentesis - a test performed to determine chromosomal and genetic disorders and certain birth defects. ...
  • Amniotic sac - a thin-walled sac that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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