Who can create an account to use the UI Online Services? | An owner, officer, or person authorized by an owner or officer can create an account. The person who creates the account is the Master Administrator for the business's UI Online Services account. They will have access to all current and future services. They can also create subordinate users and authorize them to use specific services. Subordinate users will have individual usernames and passwords. |
Can more than one person create the UI Online Services Account? | No. Only one person can create the account and is deemed to be the Master Administrator. Once an account is created, the Master Administrator can add a second Master Administrator who will have all the rights and responsibilities of the initial Master Administrator. A Master Administrator can also add other employees and determine what authority and access they should have. Each employee will have their own unique User ID and Password. |
What is a Master Administrator (MA)? | The person creating the UI Online Services account is considered to be a Master Administrator and should be an owner or officer of the business, or an employee authorized by the owner or officer to act as an MA. The MA will have access to all current and future services provided by the UI Online Services and can add a second MA on the account who will have all of the rights and responsibilities of the initial MA. An MA can delegate access to other users in their organization. |
What is the Taxpayer Identification Number (TPID)? | The Taxpayer Identification Number (TPID) is the Department of Taxation and Finance’s internal identification number assigned to a business. Generally, the TPID is the same as the entity's Federal Employer Identification Number. The TPID is 9 or 11 numeric characters. |
Why won’t the system accept my TPID number? | Enter only 9 to 11 characters for your taxpayer ID. Do not enter the letter “B” before your taxpayer ID or any spaces or special characters. |
What is the Employer Registration Number? | The Employer Registration Number (ER#) is the Department of Labor’s internal identification number assigned to a business. The ER# is 7 numeric characters. |
I have not filed any business tax or contribution returns with the state of NY. Can I still create an account for online services? | No. You will not be able to create an account for your business for online services until you file a business tax or contribution return. |
I am trying to create an account as an employer to use the UI Online Services. What tax type(s) should I select? | You must select the tax types for the returns the business has filed within the last 12 months using this Taxpayer Identification Number and Employer Registration Number. |
What if my corporation tax form number is not listed in the drop-down box? | If your form number is not listed in the drop-down menu, you should uncheck the corporation tax check box in the “Tax Types” section above and continue creating your UI Online Services Account. |
Why do you require my email address and phone number? | We require your email address so that we can provide you with information about the UI Online Services, including emails when new services are added. Your phone number is required so that we can call you if we have any questions about your account or account activity. |
What are the rules for creating a valid Username? | Usernames arenotcase sensitive and must be 8-60 characters. Use only letters, numbers and these special characters: (. @_ ') Please be sure to keep both the Username and Password that you selected when registering in a safe, secure place. Usernames cannot be reset, and our customer service representatives are not able to provide you with your Username. If you forget your Username, you will have to close your account and create another one. |
What are the rules for creating a valid Password? | Passwordsarecase sensitive and must be 8-20 characters. You must include at least one number and at least three letters. Do not use the same character more than two times in a row. Special characters are allowed. |
How can I change my Password? | To change your Password, you must log in to the UI Online Services. You will see an option to change your Password under "My Personal Information". |
I forgot my Username and/or Password. Can I re-create an account? | No. Please refer to the “I forgot my Username” and/or “I forgot my Password” links located on the bottom of the Online Services log in page. |
What happens if I reset an employee's Password? | Your employee will be prompted to change their temporary password when the employee logs in for the first time. |
How long will I need to wait to have access to my UI Online Services account? | You will have immediate access. |
How do I provide access to a representative? | There are two ways to grant your representative access to your UI Online Services account. - Complete the authorization online. Log in to your UI Online Services account and select ‘Add/Remove representative Power of Attorney.’
- Provide your representative with a completed UI Online Services Authorization Form (OS-2000) and your representative can complete the authorization process. You can obtain the form from our website, Forms and Publications, Labor Online Services. To print the form, you'll need an installed copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher, which is available at no charge from Adobe.
* Your representative must have created an account in the UI Online Services before you can grant the access. |
Do I need to complete Form OS-2000, UI Online Services Authorization to authorize my representative access to my UI Online Services account? | Yes. A representative must have Form (OS-2000) on file to gain access to a client’s information. If you have not created an account on the UI Online Services, you must give a completed Form (OS-2000) to your representative to allow this access. You can obtain the form from our website, Forms and Publications, Labor Online Services. To print the form, you need an installed copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher, which is available at no charge from Adobe. You can also create an account on the UI Online Services and directly authorize your representative to access your account. |
How do I get an OS-2000 for UI Online Services Authorization? | You can obtain FormOS-2000at our website, Forms and Publications, Labor Online Services. To print the form, you need an installed copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher, which is available at no charge from Adobe. |
As a Representative, do I have to provide an ERO EFIN? | Yes. An ERO EFIN is required to create an online account as a representative. |
How can I gain access to my client’s account? | There are two ways a representative may gain access to a client's UI Online Services account: - The client completes the authorization online. The client logs on to their UI Online Services account and selects ‘Add/Remove Representative Power of Attorney.’
- The client provides you with a completed UI Online Services Authorization Form (OS-2000). Clients can obtain the form at our website, Forms and Publications, Labor Online Services. To print the form, they need an installed copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher, which is available at no charge from Adobe.
* You must create an account as a representative in the UI Online Services before a client may grant you access. |
Does my client need to fill out Form OS-2000 if they create an account for the UI Online Services and authorize my access to their online account? | No. Your clients only need to complete Form OS-2000 if they do not have access to the UI Online Services or they prefer that you complete the online authorization for them. |
Do representatives need to mail Form OS-2000 to the New York State Department of Labor? | No. Form OS-2000 should be kept for your records. Do not send it to the New York State Department of Labor. |
How can I change my email address or phone number? | You can change your email address and phone number by selecting “Edit My Personal Information” which is under the “Manage My Account” subsection. |
What are Administrator Rights and Access/Authority (for Employer accounts)? | Administrator Rightsallow a Master Administrator (MA) or an authorized employee to give another employee the ability to manage employees or representatives on behalf of the MA. In order for an employee to give another employeeanyrights, they must have been assigned some Access/Authority. There are two types of Administrator Rights - Manage Employees- gives an employee the right to add, edit or remove an employee on your account. It also allows them to delegate any of their own assignedAccess/Authorityto another employee.
- Manage Representatives- gives an employee the right to add or remove a representative on your account.
Administrator Rightscan be assignedWith DelegationorWithout Delegation:- With delegationmeans the employee will also have the authority to delegate the right toManage EmployeesorManage Representativesto another employee.
- Without delegationmeans the employee willnothave the authority to delegate the right toManage EmployeesorManage Representativesto another employee.
Access/Authority –When you give an employeeAccess/Authorityto the services offered online, they will have the authority to access the associated online information:- UI Benefits:Access to view all of the company's benefit charge information and the authority to act on behalf of the company in benefit charge processes.
- UI Contributions:Access to view all of the company's UI contribution information and the authority to act on behalf of the company in all UI contribution processes.
- NYS 45–DOL:Access to view and file the Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting and Unemployment Insurance Return, Form NYS-45
- Wage Reporting Upload:Access to upload quarterly wage reporting information on behalf of the company
- NYS-1 Coupon:Access and authority to file the NYS-1-MN Return of Tax Withheld.
- Report a Change of Address:Access to view and update a change in address.
What do "with delegation" and "without delegation" mean (for Employer accounts)? | - "With delegation"means that employee will also have the authority to delegate the right toManage EmployeesorManage Representativesto another employee.
- "Without delegation"means the employee will not have the authority to delegate the right toManage EmployeesorManage Representativesto another employee.
What are Administrator Rights (for Representative accounts)? | Administrator Rightsallow an MA or an authorized employee to manage employee access to other employees and client information. Employees with Administrator Rights also have full Access/Authority to all ofyourclient accounts. Administrator Rightscan be assignedWith DelegationorWithout Delegation:- "With delegation"means the employee will be able toManage Accessand delegate the right toManage Accessto another employee.
- "Without delegation"means the employee will be able toManage Accessbutwill notbe able to delegate the right toManage Accessto another employee.
- No Administrator Rightsmeans you do not wish to grant Administrator Rights to the employee.
What does "with delegation" and "without delegation" mean (for Representative accounts)? | - "With delegation"means the employee will also have the authority to delegate the right toManage Accessto another employee.
- "Without delegation"means the employeewill nothave the authority to delegate the right toManage Accessto another employee. Employees with Administrator Rights will also have full Access/Authority to all ofyourclient accounts.
What is NY.GOV ID? | Your NY.GOV ID allows you to use online services from various NYS government agencies using a single Username and Password. For example, if you create a NY.GOV ID through the Department of Labor (DOL) and then want to use the Online Tax Center of the Department of Taxation and Finance, you can use the same NY.GOV ID Username and Password for both agencies. If you already have a NY.GOV ID Username and Password before you sign up with the DOL, we will assign that Username and Password to your DOL account. |
Why is the Department of Labor using NY.GOV ID? | This will allow web users to use the same Username and Password to access online services from multiple NYS government agencies. It will create a better online experience for you and increase your security. |