Best Elden Ring Strength Build (2024)

Update: The release of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree has shifted the meta for many top builds, but the best Strength build still retains many of its classic elements. We've updated this page with new level spreads for the whole game and DLC areas, as well as new weapon ideas, Talismans and other gear!

The best Elden Ring Strength build doesn't just rely on pure power. It's a beefy mix of brains and brawn which brings down even the toughest foes in just a few hits.

There's seemingly no end of options when it comes to flexing those muscles and bashing your way through The Lands Between, but, if it's massive swords, hammers, or clubs you want, this build is for you.

This Strength build requires a lot of investment into the Strength stat, as you'd imagine, so it's easy to start using early in the game. But not only that, but once your Strength is around 60, players can transition away from a pure Strength build into numerous other variants later on, making this a brilliant starting build for Elden Ring players.

My specific build revolves around infusing the classic Greatsword with Cold to inflict Frostbite. I think this is a fun and accessible build which trades some of the ridiculous power you'll see on one-shot meme builds around the internet for a proactive and interesting status that's actually enjoyable to play.

So if you're looking for something a bit more involved, rejoice. While the best Strength builds can destroy bosses in just a few attacks, they're still quite intense melee builds which require skill when timing your attacks and dodges - they don't play the game for you like some builds.

For our full list, these are the best Elden Ring builds.

  • Elden Ring Strength Build: Stats and Starting Class
  • Elden Ring Strength Build: Weapons
  • Elden Ring Strength Build: Talismans
  • Elden Ring Strength Build: Spells and Incantations
  • Elden Ring Strength Build: Armour
  • Elden Ring Strength Build: Ash of War
  • Alternate Elden Ring Strength Builds

Elden Ring Strength Build: Stats and Starting Class

There are three stats that you should prioritise with a Strength build in Elden Ring. These are Strength, Vigor, and Endurance.

  • Strength is the primary damage stat you'll be dumping points into as you level up. More often than not, you will want to pump this up when you're struggling on bosses or later game zones. In terms of milestones, you'll want to reach 31 Strength as soon as possible to wield your first main weapon with one hand (we'll get to that later on). After that, investing in Strength will be your default option until it reaches the soft cap of 60.
  • Vigor is a hugely important stat for all builds in Elden Ring, but it's incredibly crucial for Strength builds who will be committing to huge powerful melee attacks. As such, try and bump Vigor up consistently as you level up, keeping it as your second highest stat and investing levels into it whenever you notice yourself getting killed in a few hits.
  • Finally, Endurance is a brilliant third option. Not only is additional stamina always useful, the ability to equip heavier armour without sacrificing your fast rolls is a brilliant boon for Strength builds. The additional resistances and damage reduction provided by heavier gear will help keep you alive in tense fights.

As you reach the later game in Elden Ring, you might find your basic set-up wearing a little thin. So at this point, I recommend mixing Intelligence into your build to start applying the Frostbite status, but, again, more on that later.

As for your starting class, we recommend the Vagabond. Not only does this class provide a healthy amount of starting Vigor, Endurance, and Strength, it also provides enough Dexterity needed for a brilliant starting weapon for this build.

Early Game Stats - Level 30+

You start a great Strength build right at the beginning of Elden Ring, since you can access the Greatsword which will see you through the entire game immediately. It requires 31 Strength to wield in one hand, however two-handing weapons halves the Strength requirement. Focus on pumping Strength, Vigor and Endurance exclusively in the early game while you get comfortable with your weapon!

  • Vigor: 18
  • Mind: 10
  • Endurance: 15
  • Strength: 28
  • Dexterity: 13
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Faith: 9
  • Arcane: 7

Mid-game Stats - Level 80+

Throughout the mid-game, your Strength will skyrocket towards your target of 60. Continue to bolster your Vigor and Endurance to a level you feel comfortable with, while also mixing in some points for Mind to make use of powerful Ashes of War. By this point in Elden Ring, you will be able to collect the Lion's Claw, which is a cornerstone of classic Strength builds.

  • Vigor: 35
  • Mind: 14
  • Endurance: 22
  • Strength: 50
  • Dexterity: 13
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Faith: 9
  • Arcane: 7

Late-game Stats - Level 120+

As you reach the later game in Elden Ring, you can change the affinity of your weapon to Cold and start scaling Intelligence. This is in an effort to diversify your damage output and start inflicting Frostbite on tough bosses and enemies. This is very strong with Lion's Claw and you don't have to mess around buffing your character with Spells and Incantations that get in the way of casual play. It's solid, accessible and cool in more ways than one!

  • Vigor: 40
  • Mind: 20
  • Endurance: 25
  • Strength: 60
  • Dexterity: 13
  • Intelligence: 25
  • Faith: 9
  • Arcane: 7

Shadow of the Erdtree Stats - Level 150+

As you prepare to take on the DLC areas, you will need a lot of Vigor to stand up to tougher enemies, as well as a strong damage output.

  • Vigor: 55
  • Mind: 20
  • Endurance: 30
  • Strength: 60
  • Dexterity: 13
  • Intelligence: 35
  • Faith: 9
  • Arcane: 7

Strength is calculated a bit differently to most other stats in Elden Ring and many builds will tell you to push it as high as 80, where it still has worthwhile returns. However, while a Heavy Affinity Greatsword with 80 Strength is technically "stronger" hit-for-hit than the Cold with 60 Strength and some points in Intelligence, this doesn't factor in the powerful damage and debuffing effects of Frostbite. Adding a status to your build is a great way to freshen up the lengthy run-time of Elden Ring.

Alternatively, you can ditch Cold and Intelligence altogether and instead opt for a buffing strategy that is more complicated and fiddly to play, but techincally has the most powerful returns.

To run this strategy you need 25 Faith for the Golden Vow and Flame, Grant Me Strength Incantations, so it would look something like this at Level 150:

  • Vigor: 50
  • Mind: 20
  • Endurance: 25
  • Strength: 80
  • Dexterity: 13
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Faith: 25
  • Arcane: 7

Elden Ring Strength Build: Weapons

The weapon you absolutely want to rush out and grab as soon as you can is the Greatsword. This weapon, available early and one of the best endgame colossal weapons when upgraded, is only a short horse ride away from the First Steps Site of Grace.

Best Elden Ring Strength Build (1)

To grab it, ride east, up to the entrance to Caelid, from Limgrave, past the Rotview Balcony. Following the road, you'll find two giant dog monsters guarding a coffin carriage. Ride up quickly and grab the sword from the back, and you'll have earned yourself a mainstay for your build for the rest of the game. It also only requires 31 Strength and 12 Dexterity to wield, with a C scaling in Strength.

Best Elden Ring Strength Build (2)

For a weapon to use while slowly pumping points into your stats, the Bastard Sword only requires 16 Strength and 10 Dexterity to use. It comes with the Stamp (Upward Cut) Skill and can be infused with an Ash of War, making it a solid early-pick. On top of that, there's also the Morning Star, which does less damage than the Broadsword, but does cause passive Bleed build-up in enemies making it stand-out early on in Elden Ring. It only needs 12 Strength and 8 Dexterity to use, too!

After messing around with weapons during the early-game and ultimately picking the Greatsword because it rules, you can literally keep using this weapon all the way up until the very end of the game.

However, if you're feeling like really showing off how strong you are, you can pick up the Giant Crusher. Requiring 60 Strength to one hand, you can grab this humongous hammer from the back of a carriage to the south as soon as you reach the Atlas Plateau. It's got a shorter range than the greatsword, but wow, does it slap. You'd hope it would, considering the investment you need to make to use it. On top of that, Ash of War: Lion's Claw has a very similar animation to one of the Giant Crusher's attacks, albeit faster, so infusing the weapon with this before taking it into PvP can really throw players off.

Other weapons you can consider in the later portion of the game, depending on your playstyle, are the Beastman's Cleaver. This weapon has C scaling with Strength and requires 25 Strength and 14 Dexterity to use, and comes with the Spinning Slash Skill. It doesn't quite outperform the Greatsword, but is good fun to use.

Those of us who like using maces and hammers in our builds will probably also appreciate the Great Mace and Great Stars. The Great Stars weapon requires 22 Strength and 12 Dexterity to use, and simultaneously triggers Bleed build-up on opponents. That said, the Great Mace - which requires 28 Strength to use - has a better scaling with Strength, and actually outperforms the Great Star when fully upgraded, but it's stil worth experimenting with both if you're into swinging maces around.

Alternatively, by focusing on Srength you can really mix and match this build quite a bit with other stats. Splash in a touch of Intelligence and you can use some handy sorceries to protect yourself while recovering from giant swings. You can also splash Faith and use beasti*al incantations! These can be gained from the Beast Clergyman in the northeast of the Dragonbarrow. Both are great options, for those bored of just swinging a giant sword around.

Elden Ring Strength Build: Talismans

When it comes to talisman options, Erdtree's Favour is a brilliant pick as it boosts your maximum HP, Stamina, and equip load, and will boost them even further if you manage to acquire Erdtree's Favour +2. This is everything a Strength user needs all in one package! You can get the base talisman behind the Stonesword Key gate right next to where you started the game in the Stranded Graveyard, while the +2 variant appears in the late-game.

In addition, be sure to equip the Arsenal Charm when needed. This further improves your equip load, meaning that with both of this and Erdtree's Favour equipped you'll be able to wear some very hefty armour without any issues. You get it from Nepheli Loux in the Roundtable Hold after you beat Godrick the Grafted.

On top of that, slap on your trusty Green Turtle Talisman from Summonwater Village. This boosts your stamina recovery speed, which is universally useful for all builds where you'll be up close and attacking all the time.

Alternatively, we would also argue that the Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman is a must-have in many tough boss fights. This talisman will reduce the amount of Physical damage you take by 20%, which can determine whether you breeze through that next fight or experience another loss.

However, these are just the basic talismans most players will have access to easily. If you want to run the more advanced version of this build, collect the Shard of Alexander by completing Living Jar Alexander's quest.

Elden Ring Strength Build: Spells and Incantations

Depending on your point of view, you'll see the lack of spells and incantations this build uses as either a massive pro, or a major con. If you want to keep things simple, you can leave off the magic and keep all your buffs coming from consumable items for that pure unga bunga sword swinging goodness.

However, investing into Faith can be hugely beneficial if you're willing to put up with the set-up.

The two key Incantations are Flame, Grant Me Strength from Fort Gael in Caelid and Golden Vow from the Corpse-Stench Shack near the bottom of Mt Gelmir and Lux Ruins.

These two buffs increase your attack power and damage resistance, and both of them stack, giving you a silly amount of one-shot potential. As I mentioned, I find this strategy to be more of a meme and a bit situational - but there's not much better to brute forcing difficult bosses.

Elden Ring Strength Build: Armour

Since this build has you invest a decent amount into Endurance, you can afford to wear some hefty armour sets to provide some incredibly useful defensive stats in Elden Ring. That said, you can just opt for the most fashionable pieces of gear you find if you want.

The Twinned Armour from D or the Royal Remains Armour are both brilliant options for players early on. There's also the Scaled Set which is great at protecting players from non-Physical attacks, too, which a lot of our enemies will utilise.

Regardless of your options, be sure to stick to a medium equip load, as maintaining a fast roll is crucial throughout the game.

The other thing to consider is Poise. The Poise stat in Elden Ring determines how many hits you can take before you attack is interrupted. Aim for more than 51 at a minimum, but more than 60 is great.

Elden Ring Strength Build: Ash of War

When it comes to Strength Ashes of War, one stands head and shoulders above the others - and that's even more difficult when it's down on all fours!

Ash of War: Lion's Claw is like a parkour frontflip where you slam your giant weapon forwards in huge arc. It's great for closing distance and deals a massive amount of damage. Plus, if you're dealing Frost damage, it gets you almost all the way to Frostbite on its own.

You find it just to the south of where you pick up the Greatsword, at Fort Gael in Caelid. Ride past the fortified enemies at the base of the castle, then slip around the side and climb the ladder. Below, you'll see a giant roaring Lion and this is who you need to beat to claim the Ash of War.

If you're not confident, or want to cheese the fight to use the Ash of War right from the start of the game, you can stand on the higher level above the lion and use a bow and arrow or magic to chip it down.

Until you can get that though, the basic Stamp (Upward Cut) Ash of War is actually a great option that provides a useful upwards slash. This can be handy if you're looking to deal with airborne enemies, or find yourself under a dragon and desperately trying to land hits on their head. So don't feel like you're missing out too much if you're struggling to grab Lion's Claw.

Finally, to get the Cold affinity, you actually need to find a Cold Ash of War. My recommendation is Ash of War: Chilling Mist. You collect it from a Scarab just below Renna's Rise on the map. Renna's Rise is above Ranni's Rise, but in the same area just after Royal Knight Loretta at the end of Caria Manor.

Alternate Elden Ring Strength Builds

Some of the most popular strength builds in the Elden Ring community ignore the strength stat itself in favor of weapons and effects that scale with strength. One is a build that prioritizes Dexterity and Vigor, with Strength and Arcane as secondary stats. The ideal weapons for this are:

  • Reduvia Dagger - from Bloody Finger Nerijus (Invader) in Limgrave. He spawns outside of Murkwater Cave.
  • Eleonara's Poleblade - from Eleanora (Invader) in Altus Plateau. Follow Yura's quest to battle her, or ignore Yura's quest entirely and head to the Second Church of Marika to fight them.

The dagger is there primarily for inflicting bloodloss status, but the real star is the poleblade. This twinblade deals Physical and Fire damage that scale with Strength and Arcane. We mention it in our best Bleed build, too.

The Winged Sword Insignia is good for any strength build, since your strategies naturally revolve around consecutive attacks, but it's essential for the poleblade. The skill hits multiple times, and you can follow it up with more attaacks, really cranking up the amount of damage it does.

That wraps up our Elden Ring strength build! For more Elden Ring guides, check out our pieces on the best armour for mages and melee classes, as well as our guide on how to respec in case you want to shift into this Strength build or our blackflame build right now!

Best Elden Ring Strength Build (2024)


What's the best strength build in Elden Ring? ›

Best Elden Ring Strength build: Giant-Crusher

Oh, and you can dual wield it in new game plus. Double the damage, double the giant-crushing potential. The Giant-Crusher requires a Strength of 60, but you'll also need high Endurance since it has a weight of 26.5.

What is the best strength level in Elden Ring? ›

Since you are focusing on pure Strength with very little - if any - investment in other areas, you want to pump Strength to 80. 80 is the hard cap for Strength, and you want to reach it fairly quickly. That's not to say you want to neglect your other stats, however.

What is the best strength based class in Elden Ring? ›

The strongest class in Elden Ring is the Hero Class with a starting strength stat of 16. As such, this is a great option for any melee-focused players who want to start making a strength build.

What is the highest strength item in Elden Ring? ›

1 Giant-Crusher

The Giant-Crusher is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction in Elden Ring. This colossal weapon scales primarily with Strength and while it doesn't deal any type of Elemental damage, it outputs outstanding Physical damage.

Is strength worth upgrading in Elden Ring? ›

Yes. It's more damage and weapons scale better the more points you have in whatever stat. Upgrades are big but so are investing a decent amount into your damage stats. Between love and bread, choose bread.

What is the strongest attribute in Elden Ring? ›

Elden Ring: Every Main Attribute, Ranked
  • 8 Strength.
  • 7 Faith.
  • 6 Intelligence.
  • 5 Dexterity.
  • 4 Arcane.
  • 3 Mind.
  • 2 Endurance.
  • 1 Vigor.
Jun 12, 2024

Which build makes Elden Ring easier? ›

New players find the bow one of Elden Ring's easiest builds because they can thin enemy groups before melee combat starts. However, they will struggle against bosses. This Elden Ring build does need a melee weapon to handle enemies up close.

Is Giant-Crusher better than greatsword? ›

Giant-Crusher actually deals more damage at maximum upgrades and the same prefix when compared to the popular Greatsword. It's just that it has a worse range and looks like a cinderblock attached to a pipe. However, if the damage is all that matters to a Strength-based build, then this excels better.

What is the max strength damage in Elden Ring? ›

Strength has a hard cap of 150 when scaling physical damage. Note that in the rare case that magic, fire, lightning, or holy scales on strength, the soft caps are always 20/50/80 with a hard cap at 99, even when two-handing.

Is Vagabond or Hero better? ›

Vagabond starts with the highest Vigor stat (health), so it's the better choice for beginners. In fact, it's the better choice in general, because you can always put points into the magic stats of your choosing as you level.

How good are strength builds in Elden Ring? ›

While the best Strength builds can destroy bosses in just a few attacks, they're still quite intense melee builds which require skill when timing your attacks and dodges - they don't play the game for you like some builds. For our full list, these are the best Elden Ring builds.

What is the best strength weapon skill in Elden Ring? ›

Elden Ring Best Strength Weapons To Use
SBlasphemous BladeTaker's Flames
SErdtree Bow Scales all arrow damage with faithMighty Shot
SFallingstar Beast JawGravity Bolt
SGodslayer's GreatswordThe Queen's Black Flame
32 more rows
Jun 19, 2024

What is the best strength boosting armor in Elden Ring? ›

Bull-Goat Set. For straight-up protection, the Bull-Goat Set is the best armour in Elden Ring. It's also the heaviest, so you'll need colossal Endurance to avoid heavy encumbrance penalties while wearing it.

What is the best weapon for a strength and dexterity build in Elden Ring? ›

If you want to create a solid Dexterity build, the Bloodhound's Fang is a fantastic curved greatsword that is relatively easy to pick up near the beginning of Elden Ring, within Limgrave. The Bloodhound's Fang can inflict bleed buildup on enemies, which will take a huge chunk of any health bar over time.

What is the soft cap for strength in Elden Ring? ›

Strength armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 60, and 80. Physical defense: improves at levels 30 and 40, peaking at 60. Diminishing returns after level 60. Dexterity armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 60, and 80.

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