What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (2024)

Soft caps are the key to understanding stats and rune allocation in Elden Ring. If you know the soft cap breakpoints, you’ll be able to get the optimal return from the runes you’ve spent — as opposed to receiving diminishing returns from excessive stats.

If that sounds a bit complex, don’t worry; in this guide, we’ll explain everything there is to know about soft caps in Elden Ring.

What are soft caps in Elden Ring?

If you’re no stranger to the Lands Between and Shadow of the Erdtree’s Realm of Shadow, you probably know the drill: defeat enemies, receive runes, and use the runes to level your stats at a Site of Grace. Each individual stat can be leveled from 1 to 99, with 99 being the “hard cap” — the limit.

Beware, however, that there’s a difference between leveling a stat from level 30 to level 31 or from level 50 to level 51, as you’ll receive less benefits once you’ve crossed a certain threshold. This threshold is called a “soft cap” or a “breakpoint” in Elden Ring. When you start leveling a stat, the returns will initially remain the same or even improve with every new level, but after reaching a certain breakpoint, the stat will be soft-capped and the returns will become less and less.

What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (1) Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco via Polygon

For example:

  • If you level your Vigor from level 3 to level 4, your HP will increase from 312 to 322.
  • If you level your Vigor from level 4 to level 5, your HP increases from 322 to 334.

As you can see, the returns per level have improved; instead of 10 HP points, you received 12 HP points the second time. These growing returns will reach their peak when leveling Vigor from level 39 to level 40, with a whopping 48 HP points gained (from 1402 HP to 1450 HP).

If you continue to level your Vigor from level 40 to level 41, though, your HP will improve from 1450 to 1476; a return of 26 HP points. It’s still an improvement, but obviously not nearly as great as the previous 48 HP points. From this point onwards, the amount of HP gained from additional Vigor levels will steadily decline. Level 40 is therefore called the first soft cap for Vigor.

And that’s not all; every Elden Ring stat has at least two soft cap points, up to as many as four. For Vigor, the amount of HP gained from higher levels will drop significantly after level 60, as you will only get between 3 and 6 HP points per level afterwards. Level 60 is therefore named the second soft cap for this stat.

What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (2) Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco via Polygon

The existence of soft caps in Elden Ring doesn’t mean you should stop leveling a stat after reaching such a breakpoint, but it does mean that you need to mind your stat point allocation. Leveling Vigor from 40 to 60 can still be a great choice, but you might need to prioritize other stats before you do so, as the returns from those upgrades may be far greater. If you’d like to respec your current stats, visit Rennala in the Raya Lucaria library and select “Rebirth”.

Elden Ring soft caps in 2024

Before we dive into the details, here’s a quick overview of all soft cap breakpoints per stat type in Elden Ring:

  • Vigor: 40, 60
  • Mind: 50, 60
  • Endurance: 30, 50 (equipment load 60)
  • Strength: 60, 80
  • Dexterity: 60, 80
  • Intelligence: 50, 60, 80
  • Faith: 50, 60, 80
  • Arcane: 60, 80

Let’s delve into each stat, one-by-one:

Vigor soft caps

What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (3) Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco via Polygon
  • Level 1-40: growing returns, up to +48 HP per level.
  • Level 41-60: diminishing returns, between 27 and 13 HP per level.
  • Level 61-99: diminishing returns, between 6 and 3 HP per level.

Vigor improves HP, fire resistance, and immunity. As mentioned in the example above, Vigor has growing returns before reaching the first soft cap at level 40. This is amazing, as it means you’ll receive more and more HP with every level up until that point. Sadly, the drop-off is rather steep, going from 48 HP to 26 HP points — and even down to only 6 per level after the second soft cap at level 60.

Having a high HP is extremely useful for almost any Elden Ring build - it’s hard enough to stay alive without giving every enemy the possibility to one-shot you. We therefore recommend to hit the first soft cap of level 40, and continue to level 60 if your playstyle needs it (frontline melee builds, for example). Anything above level 60 is a waste of runes.

Mind soft caps

What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (4) Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco via Polygon
  • Level 1-15: between 3 and 4 FP per level.
  • Level 16-35: between 5 and 6 FP per level.
  • Level 36-50: between 6 and 7 FP per level.
  • Level 51-60: diminishing returns, between 4 and 6 FP per level.
  • Level 60+: diminishing returns, between 2 and 3 FP per level.
  • Focus: only starts to improve from Mind level 31 onwards, with soft cap at level 40.

Mind improves your FP and Focus. Focus is a nice defensive stat to have (protects against sleep and madness) but FP, also known as “mana,” is far more important as it’s needed to cast spells. With that in mind, you really only need as much Mind as you require FP to cast your magic. With a fully upgraded Flask of Cerulean Tears, you can restore 220 FP — one full FP bar at Mind level 38. Therefore, Mind at +38 is therefore the “sweet spot” before hitting the FP soft cap at level 50 and Focus soft cap at level 40.

Endurance soft caps

What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (5) Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco via Polygon
  • Stamina level 1-30: between 1 and 2 points per level, but usually 2.
  • Stamina level 31-50: diminishing returns, between 1 and 2 points per level, but usually 1.
  • Stamina level 50+: diminishing returns, between 0 and 1 point per level.
  • Equipment load level 9-25: only starts to improve from Endurance level 9 onwards, with +1.6 points per level up to level 25.
  • Equipment load level 26-45: adds between 1 and 1.4 points.
  • Equipment load level 46-60: adds between 1.4 and 1.5 points.
  • Equipment load level 60+: soft cap with a huge drop-off, down to 1 point.
  • Robustness: only starts to improve from Endurance level 31 onwards, with soft cap at level 40.

Endurance improves stamina, maximum equipment load (allowing you to stay within the “medium load” range while wearing heavier armor, for example), and robustness (resistance to bleed and frostbite). The amount of stamina you’ll need depends on how much you consume; if you’re using a melee build, you’ll typically want at least +34 Endurance, a stamina and equipment load sweet spot that also offers some robustness.

If you’re an endgame player with lots of runes to spend, you may keep going until the equipment load soft cap at level 60, as this allows you to equip far better armor sets while remaining in a below-heavy load range.

Strength and Dexterity soft caps

What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (6) Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco via Polygon
  • Strength armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 60, and 80.
  • Physical defense: improves at levels 30 and 40, peaking at 60. Diminishing returns after level 60.
  • Dexterity armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 60, and 80.
  • Incantations: soft caps at level 30 and 45.

Strength and Dexterity improve the damage dealt with armaments (weapons) scaling with these stats (usually physical/melee weapons). Although the breakpoints and minimum stats required depend on the individual armament, the physical damage soft caps are typically at level 20, 60, and 80.

At the start of your Elden Ring game, should you decide to wield a strength- or dexterity-scaling weapon, try to reach soft cap level 20 as soon as possible. Go up to 60 as you progress further (don’t forget your Vigor, Endurance, and Mind soft caps), but there’s no need to proceed past the level 80 soft cap.

Intelligence, Faith, and Arcane soft caps

What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (7) Image: FromSoftware/Bandai Namco via Polygon
  • Intelligence armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 50, and 80.
  • Intelligence sorceries: usually level 60 and 80.
  • Magic defense: best benefits until level 20 and slightly less until level 35. Soft cap at level 35 and soft cap with steep drop-off at level 60.
  • Faith armaments: usually level 20, 50, and 80.
  • Faith incantations: usually level 60 and 80.
  • Arcane armaments: usually level 20, 60, and 80.
  • Arcane buildup: usually level 40 and 60.
  • Arcane incantations: soft caps at level 30 and 45.
  • Arcane vitality and holy defense: hit their first soft cap at level 15 and 20 respectively. Final soft caps are level 60 for both.

Besides improving armaments that scale with these stats, Intelligence boosts the power of your sorceries, Faith increases the power of incantations, and Arcane improves status buildup (for Arcane-scaling weapons).

Similar to Strength and Dexterity, the exact scaling depends on the armament you’re using, but you typically need to hit level 20 for the best gains in early game. Try to eventually hit the soft cap around level 50, but it’s not worth it to go beyond level 80.

The defensive attributes (vitality, magic defense, etc.) hit a very steep drop-off after level 60.

  1. Polygon
  2. Elden Ring guides
  3. Soft caps
  4. Map fragments
  5. Golden Seeds
  6. Sacred Tears
What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? (2024)


What are Elden Ring’s soft caps for all stats in 2024? ›

Strength armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 60, and 80. Physical defense: improves at levels 30 and 40, peaking at 60. Diminishing returns after level 60. Dexterity armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 60, and 80.

What is the soft cap in Elden Ring 2024? ›

Strength armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 60, and 80. Physical defense: improves at levels 30 and 40, peaking at 60. Diminishing returns after level 60. Dexterity armaments: soft caps are usually at level 20, 60, and 80.

What are the soft caps for every stat in Elden Ring? ›

All Soft Stat Caps in Elden Ring:

Vigor – 40 and 60. Endurance – 30 and 50. Strength – 60 and 80. Dexterity – 60 and 80.

What is the highest skill cap in Elden Ring? ›

The hard cap for every stat in Elden Ring is 99, after which players can no longer put points into the stat at all. Every Elden Ring stat has at least two soft caps, but some, like Strength, Dexterity, and Arcane, have multiple.

What is the soft cap for vigor in Elden Ring? ›

The Tarnished can level Vigor by spending Runes at Sites of Grace. Vigor has two soft cap points, 40 and 60, with HP, Fire Defense and Immunity gains experiencing sharp diminishing returns after both points.

What is the soft cap for Arcane Elden Ring? ›

When scaling the sorcery scaling of the Albinauric Staff or the incantation scaling of the Dragon Communion Seal, Arcane soft caps are 15/30/45.

Is 60 strength good in Elden Ring? ›

For the best Strength build in Elden Ring to work, you will need the Giant Crusher. This monstrous weapon can be found in the Altus Plateau and requires a whopping 60 Strength. Ideally, you want two of them - one in each hand - but one will work fine if you can't get a trade.

Can you get all stats to 99 in Elden Ring? ›

While there is a “hard cap” maximum level of 99 in Elden Ring that all of the eight main stats can be increased up to, there are also “soft cap” levels at which the Attributes begin to advance with diminished returns at different rates.

What player has the highest level in Elden Ring? ›

What is the Max Level in Elden Ring? Hitting max level in Elden Ring means getting to level 713, which costs 1,692,558,415 runes in total. To accomplish this, Fireman_Artsen beat the game enough times to get to New Game+ 8, while also doing plenty of co-op and rune farming.

Is the river of blood katana still good? ›

Most definitely. Elden Ring's Rivers of Blood katana may be the most popular sword in the game thanks to the effectiveness of bleed skills, even after they were nerfed in one of Elden Ring's earliest patches. And nothing makes your enemies bleed like Rivers of Blood.

Is 20 Vigor good in Elden Ring? ›

20-25 until like level 40 or so, then 30-35 until level ~60, 40-50 until level 80 to 100 depending on your defense too (and/or if you use a soreseal), and 60 for level 110+ I guess. yeah you've gotta put pretty much half your levels into vigor until like level 100-110+.

What is the Elden Ring level cap? ›

The highest level players can get in Elden Ring is 713, and that means players will need to farm well over 1 billion runes. Gaining levels in Elden Ring is a process that should be familiar to most fans of FromSoftware's previous games.

What is the soft caps equip load in Elden Ring? ›

Equip Load experiences soft caps at 25 and 60 Endurance, resulting in diminishing returns as leveling increases past these points.

What is the strength cap of Elden Ring? ›

The hard-cap for all Stats is 99: you are unable to level a Stat past that level, and it is not possible to exceed 99 through equipment or buffs. (An exception is that your effective Strength can be increased past 99 by two-handing.)

What is the soft cap for dexterity? ›

Dexterity (Soft cap: 16/60/80)

The soft cap values are similar at levels 16, 60, and 80 when it comes to the main physical damage, with similar values for the other types. In addition, a lesser-known aspect of Dexterity is its effect on the player's casting speed, which soft caps around level 70.

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